T. David Rutherford
An Actor with Character

T David Rutherford


For projects in Colorado please contact:

Donna Baldwin Talent, Rhonda Barnhisel
(303) 561-1199 [email protected]

For projects in New Mexico please contact:

Presley Talent LLC, Tina Presley Borek
(505) 610-9273 [email protected]

For projects in Utah please contact:

Stars Talent Studio, Amber Evans
(801) 201-5885 [email protected]


Heaven Sent background Independant/Michael Landon Jr./Cantinas Entertainment
Ink Nightmare Man Double Edge Films
A Beer Tale Kelly's Grandpa Frankenstein Brothers
The Highwayman Magistrate Quentin Inferno Films
Gathering of Heroes Ulrin Asgard Ent.
Suicide for Two (Short) Jack Summertime Prod.
The Devil's Bullets (Short) Priest Captured Light Works
Alice in Wasteland Chuck Monster Zero Creative
Purgatory Cafe (Short) George Serenity Films
The Vessel Thug Wednesday Prod.
10 Bullets Priest ICEntertainment
Gnaw background Haylar Garcia


Annie 'FDR' P.A.C.E. / Aurora Fox
Lend Me A Tenor 'Saunders' CS Fine Arts Center
The Lying Kind 'Rev. Shandy' UCCS Theatreworks
The Unsinkable Molly Brown 'Shamus Tobin' Country Dinner Playhse
Inherit The Wind 'Matthew Harrison Brady' Evergreen Players
Annie Get Your Gun 'Buffalo Bill Cody' Country Dinner Playhse
Phantom 'Chole' Towne Hall Arts Center
Footloose 'Coach/Principal' Country Dinner Playhse
Last of the Red Hot Lovers 'Barney Cashman' Encore Dinner Theatre
The Seven Year Itch 'Roger Sherman' Wash Park Players
The Mikado 'Pooh-Bah' Towne Hall Arts Center
The Music Man 'Charlie Cowell' Country Dinner Playhse
Lend Me A Tenor 'Saunders' Aurora Fox Theatre
42nd Street 'Abner Dillon' Country Dinner Playhse
Oklahoma! 'Pa Carnes' Country Dinner Playhse
Carousel 'Mr. Bascome' Music Theatre of Wichita


Busted - Animal Planet 'Serpent & Pulpit' - churchgoer Rocket Pictures
America's Most Wanted 'Ronald Young' - Golfer STF Productions


Available Upon Request


First Amendment in the 21st Century Conservative Justice Centre Communications
Mayan Renaissance Voice PeaceJam Prod.


Audiobooks Narrator listed on Audible.com


TriMedia Film Festival Best Theatre (Short Subject), 2011 Jury Award for Best Theatre


Newspaper Web sites across North America Spokesperson DMC


Audiobook Performance Master Class, Barbara Rosenblat
ACX Master Class, Dan O'Day and David H. Lawrence XVII
Billion$Read Audiobook Workshop, Pat Fraley, with Hillary Huber & Scott Brick 2013.
Society of American Fight Directors (SAFD), Stunts, Stage combat, Geoff Kent, 2006 Recognized as Advanced Actor/Combatant by the Society of American Fight Directors (SAFD), 2006 SAFD Certificate of Proficiency - Unarmed Combat 2003, Single Sword 2004, Knife 2004, Rapier & Dagger 2005, Broadsword 2006, Sword & Shield 2006
Rohrering Success, Inc., Denver, CO , Write to Act, Peter DeAnello, 2005-2012
Rohrering Success, Inc., Denver, CO , Acting for the Camera, 'Listen, Feel, Respond' Paul Neal Rohrer, Continuing since 2005
Rohrering Success, Inc., Denver, CO , 8 points for Character Development, Peter DeAnello & Paul Neal Rohrer, 2005
Voice for Theatre, Denver, CO , Voice Training, Bob Downard, 1993-2003

Special Skills

Performance Skills: Singing, Ear Prompter, Firearms, Stage Combat, Stunts, Teleprompter, Voiceover, Improvisation
Athletic Skills: Bowling, SAFD Advanced Actor/Combatant, Golf
Accents: New York (Brooklyn), Texan, Midwest, Irish, British
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